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Low Voltage dc Infrared Elements
Home Products Ceramic Infrared Heating Elements Low Voltage dc Infrared Elements
Low Wattage low Voltage dc infrared ceramic heating elements
LED Headlight de-icing and lens clearance in freezing environments down to -30°C ( -22°F ). Thousands of pieces of flat and
3D heaters in use on long haul trucks
Headlight de-icing / lamp de-icing
The advent of high efficiency LED lighting has revolutionised the lighting industry, but comes with one particular side
effect when it comes to automotive lighting. The low level of
heat generation, when compared to the halogen lamps they
replaced, this can lead to the formation of fog and ice in very
cold or inclement weather conditions thereby reducing light
transmission and road illumination. Due to their unparalleled
radiant efficiency and robust construction, ceramic infrared
emitters have been proven to successfully de-ice and de-mist
protective lenses.
The polycarbonate lens used in lights has proven to be an
excellent medium for light transmission as well as providing
a robust and durable layer of protection for the light source.
The transmission properties of polycarbonate also make it an
excellent absorber of long wave infrared radiation. This allows
the radiant output of the ceramic emitter to be quickly and
efficiently absorbed and the heat energy conducted to the
outer surface of the lens.
Ceramicx has proven experience in the design and development of ceramic emitters for low voltage dc systems.
Designed, built, tested, and manufactured in volume with our production process.
Our design capability allows us to offer our customers customised solutions in the following areas:
• Low voltage dc powered emitters for 12 – 24 V systems
• Customisable emitter geometry
• Customisable power output (dependant on emitter geometry)
• Operating temperature up to 600°C ( 1110°F )
• Useful wavelength range: 2 – 10 microns
• Typical size between 50 and 250 mm
• Customisable colour (standard: black, grey, white)
• All elements individually tested and marked
In house product test and evaluation
• Environmental testing at variable humidity and temperature
Temperature range -40 to 180°C ( – 40 to 356°F)
Humidity range 20% – 98% RH
• Heat flux analysis
• Thermal imaging
• Over voltage and life testing
Ceramicx infrared technology can be used for de-icing and temperature maintenance in the most robust of environments.
If you have an application we can help with, please contact us to discuss.
We look forward to hearing from you
Get in touch with our infrared heating experts today