High Temperature NPC Cable


High Temperature  Cable

4% nickel plated flexible copper multi core conductor

Insulation – Silicone impregnated, Double glass-fibre braid

Outer Insulation – Silicone impregnated glass-fibre braid

-60 / 350 °C  ( -76 / 662 °F ) Continuous working temperature

450 °C  ( 842 °F ) Short time working temperature

Good resistance to thermal shock

Resistance to Ageing

Working Voltage: 300/500 V

Test Voltage: 2000 V

Ceramicx supplies high temperature heat resistant cable in 25 m rolls, suitable for use with our infrared heaters and heater assemblies.

Normally available, from stock  in 1.5 mm² and  2.5 mm² cross sectional areas

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